Handy Web Tools to Help You Grow Your Personal Learning Network

July, 2014
Interested in expanding your Personal Learning Network over social media? Here are some tools to make you a social media pro.


 Read and schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and WordPress using this social media manager.

 See all posts from across Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, and Vine that include a specific #hashtag.

Follow your favorite bloggers and see all of their latest posts using this handy free website.

 Look for local meet ups of educators and establish in-person connections. Or create a meet up of your own.

Set up an alternate phone number that can email, text, and ring you on your own phone.

Want more? Check out these collections of tools:

Places to build your PLN 

This collection is curated by high school librarian Tiffany Emerick.

This one is curated by ESL teacher Mª Jesús García San Martín.