New Google Drive Tip- Publish Google Docs As Web Pages

July 31, 2014Here is another handy Google Drive tip that is often overlooked by many teachers. Did you know that you can publish a Google Doc, presentation or sheet as a web page? Yes you can write a document or create a presentation and share it as a web page that students can access using the URL you share with them. Here is how to do it:Open the document you want to publish as a web page. Click on file then select "Publish to the web"Please note...

11 Great Search Engines for Social Science Researchers

July 30, 2014In today's post I am sharing with you some interesting search engines ideal for folks in engaged in social science research.Researchers working in the fields of psychology, anthropology, and related subjects will find great results using these search engines.Behavioral Brain Science Archive:Check out this searchable archive to find extensive psychology and brain science articles.Social Science Research Network:In this research network,...

Google Hangout for Teachers- A Comprehensive Tutorial

July 29, 2014Google Hangout is an excellent service  that enables both one-on-one  and group chats with up to ten people at a time.Google Hangouts are not all video based. You can hold a hangout using only the textual chat functionality or you can add voice. There is also another great feature called hangout on Air. A Hangout on the Air is a Google hangout that is broadcast both on YouTube both through your Google+ page . It’s a great...

This Is How to Create Videos in Google Drive

July 29, 2014This week's tip for teachers is about creating videos in Google Drive. As you know, since the  time Google made it possible to integrate third party apps into Google Drive, there appeared a wide variety of excellent applications that are deemed to enhance the overall performance of your Drive . One of the essential apps that I think every teacher should connect with Google Drive is called WeVideo.WeVideo allows you to easily create...

8 Good TED Talks on The Origin of Ideas

July 29, 2014Looking for some great TED talks to watch this weekend ? Here is a collection of 8 talks compiled by the folks in TED covering one single theme: the origin of ideas. Yes, this is the very same theme that Steve Johnson intensively investigated in his momentous book" Where Do Good Ideas Come From?". Besides Steve's talk you will also find talks from some prominent thinkers in the field of personal development and cognitive science. Enjoy1-...

A Great New Google Drive Cheat Sheet for Teachers

July 28, 2014Here is a new excellent Google Drive cheat sheet created and shared by Shake Up Learning (one of my favourite blogs for Ed Tech). This cheat sheet is created after the latest updates to Google Drive and as such it is the most recent visual guide to the new Google Drive. The main things covered in this cheat sheet are :Create, upload, and organizeFiles, folders, and searchDetails, activities and settingsGoogle+ Integration.This cheat...

ePortfolio Checklist for Teachers

July 28, 2014Following the posting of ePortfolio Resources for Teachers somebody emailed me this visual  which I want you to check out as well. This visual created by Chelmick features 6 components your students should consider when composing their ePortfolios. You can use this checklist in class to give students an idea about the things they need to incorporate  in their ePortfolios.Why Use ePortfolios ?According to Cornell University,...

11 Amazing Evernote Features Every Teacher Should Know about

July 28, 2014Evernote is a powerful note taking web tool and mobile app. It is definitely an elemental component of teachers workflow. I have been using it for a few years now and I just can't live without it now.Evernote enables you to take notes in both text and audio format. Your notes can also include images,videos and even files. Evernote is available across different devices so that everything you do with Evernote on your computer can be automatically...

Great ePortfolio Resources for Teachers

July 28, 2014With the massive uptake of web 2.0 technologies, the concept of portfolios has migrated to the cloud giving rise to what is now termed  electronic portfolios or ePortfolios for short. An ePortfolio is similar in essence to the traditional pen and paper portfolio but with a set of added advantages. For instance , ePortfolios are accessible anywhere anytime with internet connection. Also ePortfolios allows for a wider inclusion of...

Kahoot- Excellent Web Tool for Creating and delivering Quizzes and Surveys to Students

July 28, 2014Kahoot is another great student response system that teachers can use to create and deliver quizzes and surveys to students. Kahoot provides a learning environment that is ideal for engaging students for it incorporates the precepts of both game-based learning and inquiry-based learning. Kahoot allows teachers to create quizzes and surreys that include a wide variety of multimedia elements such as videos, pictures and text. Each quiz...

9 Characteristics of A Leading Educator

July 28, 2014A few days ago I came across a post published by Teachthought on the 9 roles for teachers that lead. This post was based on a book that has recently been published under the title "The Educator As A Maker Educator". The book is authored  by Jackie Gerstein (most of you would recognize her from her popular blog User Generated Education). As the book was both cheap ($2,90 on Amazon) and short (only 61 pages) I bought it and read on...

10 Great iPad Apps I use As A PhD Student

July 27, 2014When I first bought my iPad a couple of years ago, I never surmised that I would be using it for anything else other than reading PDFs and  eBooks my Kindle App. Now that I am  doing my PhD studies I can not conceive of my life without it. Besides doing most of my readings on it, I also use it for a wide variety of scholarly purposes from taking notes, creating mind maps, storing and sharing files on the cloud, to scanning...

Three Good Interactive Visuals on SMAR Model for Teachers

July, 2014In today's post I am sharing with you three interactive visuals on SAMR model created on ThingLink. Besides providing iPad apps that fit in with each of the categories of SAMR: redefinition, augmentation, modification, and substitution, these apps are also hyperlinked so you can access them with one click and right from the visual itself. For more resources on SAMR please see this page.For those you not yet familiar with SAMR model, SAMR...