Georgie Eden

Well, well, everything now seems to be coming together about the operations of Alison Sauer and her friends. I think that I have a pretty good picture of how it has all been working, although Jacquie Cox has certainly produced a few surprising rabbits from the hat! Mind you, she may not be a completely reliable and objective witness herself. For example, she claims that only she and Alison Sauer were involved in the EHE guidelines; Alison writing them and she, Jacquie, doing the proof reading. This would mean that Rainbow-Leaf Lovejoy is not telling the truth when she claims that it was her doing the proof reading. I do not know either of these two women well enough to judge who is telling the truth about this.

Last year I had quite a few dealings with Tania Berlow, at her instigation. She sent me her telephone number and urged me several times to get in touch. It now appears that this was all being reported back to Jacquie Cox and Alison Sauer, which I did not realise. This means that I no longer feel any need to maintain confidentiality about anything Tania told me and I shall be going into this at a later date. Something which is interesting is that Alison Sauer apparently assigned a man who goes by the name of Georgie Eden to keep an eye on Tania and persuade her not to shoot her mouth off too much. I have never in all my life heard anything like this! These people may not have been engaged in a conspiracy, but the were certainly playing at secret agents a lot. So who is Georgie Eden, another close chum of Alison’s? There are clues.

Georgie Eden posted a bit on various lists, including the Badman review Action Group in November 2010. It is fairly clear that this person is not English. For example, he writes Ofsted as OFFsted. This suggests that he has only been given the name of the organisation over the telephone and is rendering it phonetically. I have actually never seen a literate English person write Ofsted like this. He talks of parents obtaining, ’ 'fast alleviation and
'. This is pure American legal jargon, which made me suspect at first that it was really Betsy Anderson. Georgie Eden also uses the word ‘tools’ to describe actions and strategies and refers to ‘home education facilitators’. Of course, Kelly Green uses both these expressions. On balance, I am guessing that Georgie Eden is American. Could it be somebody fairly well known, like Pat Faranga? I have an idea that this information too is heading for the public domain pretty soon!

What is very clear to me is that even when she had been fully informed about Christopher Warren’s background, Alison Sauer was still happy to keep in touch with him. She was apparently so keen to slag me off that she was prepared to ignore the fact that her correspondent was an abusive man who at the age of forty, seduced a fifteen year-old girl. This does not inspire confidence in somebody who is trying to alter the law relating to home edcuation in this country.