The hours I spend on this blog...

Several people have mentioned that I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time on this blog lately. There are two reasons for it appearing so. One is of course my innate courtesy. It only takes me twenty minutes or so to write a post each day. Having done this, I feel that it is polite to answer any points which people raise about what I have said. I do so even if those commenting are complete bloody fools. I may also observe that when I am out for the day and unable to respond at once, people tend to get a little ratty and accuse me of evading their questions!

The reason that I often respond to comments fairly swiftly is not, as some apparently suppose, because I am sitting here all day, chewing my fingers anxiously and waiting for people to react to what I have said. I am aware that it is often claimed elsewhere that I am a man who craves attention and that this is my primary motive for keeping this blog, but this is not really the case. I simply wish to provide a counter-balance to a lot of the idiotic things which people write about home education. So how come I am online so much? Don't I have a job to go to? Does time really weigh so heavily on my hands since my daughter went to college that I have nothing better to do all day than argue with other home educating parents? These are fair questions and a number of people, (or the same person a number of times, it is hard to tell with all the anonymous comments), voiced such concerns yesterday.

The answer is simple enough. I am working on the computer a lot of the time these days. I have four books due to be published in the next year and I type them on the computer. While I am typing, it is easy enough to flick over to the Internet and check other things at the same time. That is why I seem to be online so much. Just to reassure readers who might be thinking that the books I have been writing are about home education, titles perhaps like, Why I am Right and Everybody else is Wrong or Autonomous Educators are Idiots and I alone know how to Home Educate, I can reassure everybody that these books have nothing at all to do with education, whether at home or anywhere else. They are about history and archaeology, which are by way of being my specialist subjects. The first will be published in a couple of months and for those who are interested, it may be found here;

I shall actually be posting about this book in the next couple of weeks and giving a link to a clip where I talk about the book and explore its themes a little. Won't that be a rare treat for all you lucky readers; a chance to see and hear me in person? I hope that this explains why I have been unusually quick off the mark in recent months to answer comments, although that should not really be thought a bad thing in itself; more a matter of common courtesy.