Autonomous educators embrace the statement of educational intention for the next twelve months!

A couple of days ago, I wrote about the reservations which some autonomously educating parents evidently felt about the idea of providing their local authority with a statement outlining their educational plans for the coming year. A number of parents gave quite convincing reasons why this could not be done. A recent post on one of the lists has reminded me of what a lot of hypocritical poppycock all these objections are!

In order to continue claiming Child Benefit after the age of sixteen, it is necessary to prove that your child is still in full-time education. Parents, even those educating autonomously, suddenly have no hesitation about filling in a form and outlining all the subjects which their children will be studying in the coming year and detailing how many hours will be spent in these studies. This is of course the very thing that they are seemingly unable or unwilling to do for the education department of their local authority! Could it be that the cash incentive of another two years of Child Benefit is enough to overcome their deep-seated, ideological objections to this practice? Apparently so!