New Visual: 25 Success Features Characterizing 21st Century Teachers

December 9, 2014Here is a good visual that features some of the things successful teachers do differently. This infgraphic is based on an article written by Julie DeNeen which I would refer you to for more details on each of the 25 ideas included below. Read the list and see the ones that resonate with you and also identify the ones missing in your teaching pedagogy.Here is a quick round-up of the 25 things successful teachers do differently:Successful...

4 Powerful Apps for Creating Mind Maps on Chromebooks

December 9, 2014Here is a list I curated over the last weekend. The list features some of the best web tools teachers can use to create mind maps on Chromebooks. I have only included the ones I think are too simple and easy to use so any teacher can use them without any advanced technology knowledge. As I was trying these apps on my Chromebook, I discovered some glitches in the popular apps : and Text to Mindmap so I did not include them,...

Critical Digital Literacy Explained for Teachers

December, 2014Critical digital literacy is one of the essential required competencies for the 21st century educator. In an era of unprecedented personal publishing, infobesity (information obesity) becomes a real issue. Teachers need to be able to critically  assess and evaluate the materials and knowledge they come across. This could be done through adopting a critical thinking lens to filter things that could otherwise unconsciously affect...

The Digital Learning Wheel

December, 2014Ring of Technologies is a beautiful visual wheel that displays a host of learning goals together with some examples of web tools to achieve them. To me this work  (created and shared by UAF eLearning Faculty Resources) represents the core of digitally-based learning. It also chimes in with what we have said about purposeful use of technology in instruction. Having clear goals about what you want to target in your teaching using...

These Are The 4 Concepts Shaping 21st Century Learning

December, 2014Today's learning landscape is enriched with a variety of new concepts that were to the recent past foreign  to many. Of course learning is a dynamic field and it will always keep developing as human knowledge progresses. But the last two to three decades in particular have witnessed the outburst of several new conceptions and theoretical frameworks that, among other things, attempt to capture the latest developments in learning...

Great Teacher-tested Games to Engage Your Students

December 7, 2014Games can be fun and addicting. Well-designed educational games can make the act of learning just as fun and addicting. Here are some teacher-tested games to engage your learners and get them craving more. Parents may like these for holiday enrichment too.Mathtopia Addictive like Candy Crush, but nutritious Math Facts for the brain.Chairs!  Learning organic chemistry is tough, but this teacher-created app makes a difficult...

Excellent Apps and Tools to Enhance Math Understanding

December, 2014Technology offers a myriad of ways to learn, practice, and understand math. Math manipulatives, videos, games, interactive simulations, physical activities - all can help reinforce a deep conceptual understanding.Understanding Math  Teaches children fluency in multiplication and division from 1 to 100.­ Start working with this great tool today!Numberphile  A whole lot of videos about numbers, from pi to googolplex...